Speaker: Seungbeom Chin (Sungkyunkwan University & ICTQT)
Heralded entanglement generated among identical particles is a useful resource for quantum computations, as heralded schemes distinguish experimental runs producing target states without direct measurement. Nonetheless, these heralded schemes generally entail the incorporation of supplementary particles and modes, thus amplifying the design intricacy.
In response to this challenge, our recent work (arXiv:2211.04042) introduced a graph approach for systematic heralded scheme design, which provided several graphical schemes (dubbed “sculpting bigraphs”) for creating multipartite boson entanglement with boson subtractions. However, an indispensable intermediate step remains essential to transmute these sculpting bigraphs into practical heralded entanglement generation circuits: the proposition of heralded subtraction operators (herein dubbed “subtractors”). Assembling the subtractors under the guidence of the sculpting bigraphs, we can seamlessly design heralded schemes for multipartite entangled states. Our study establishes a set of translation rules, enabling the mapping of sculpting bigraph elements into linear optical networks through the incorporation of heralded subtractors. Consequently, we devise heralded schemes for the N-partite GHZ state with 2N photons, N-partite W state with (2N+1) photons, and N=3 Type 5 state (the superpostion of N=3 GHZ and W states) with 9 photons. Our results demonstrate that the process of designing heralded schemes for generating entanglement is simplified into the task of searching for suitable sculpting bigraphs.
-Chin, Seungbeom, Marcin Karczewski, and Yong-Su Kim. “From graphs to circuits: Optical heralded generation of N-partite GHZ and W states”, arXiv:2310.10291 (2023).
-Chin, Seungbeom, “From linear quantum system graphs to qubit graphs: Heralded generation of graph states”, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2306.15148 (2023).
-Chin, Seungbeom, Yong-Su Kim, and Marcin Karczewski. “Shortcut to Multipartite Entanglement Generation: A Graph Approach to Boson Subtractions”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.04042 (2022).
-Chin, Seungbeom, Yong-Su Kim, and Sangmin Lee.“Graph picture of linear quantum networks and entanglement.” Quantum 5 (2021): 611.