Scientific session commemorating life and work of Roman Stanisław Ingarden

V R.S. Ingarden Memorial Session, Nov. 27th, 2024 (online)
National Quantum Information Centre organise scientific session to commemorate life and work of Roman Stanisław Ingarden. Roman Ingarden was a mathematical physicist, professor at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, founder of two journals: Reports on Mathematical Physics and Open Systems and Information Dynamics and one of the pioneers of the concept of quantum information. His 1976 paper had a short title: QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY [Reports on Mathematical Physics 10, 43-72 (1976)]. This publication predates by almost a quarter of a century the explosion of interest in quantum information caused by the significant progress in experimental techniques between 1990 and 2000, which enabled the first experimental realizations of transmission, processing and encryption of quantum information.
The event is organized under auspices of the Polish Physical Society.
Programme (Time Zone: CET)
18:30 – 18:33 Opening
18.33 – 18:55 Ryszard Mrugała (Toruń)
“Roman Stanisław Ingarden – scientist and organiser” SEE ON YOUTUBE
19:05 – 20:05 2024 Ingarden Memorial Lecture
John Clauser (Walnut Creek, California)
“Experimental proof that quantum entanglement is real” SEE ON YOUTUBE
20:10 – 20:25 coffee break
20:25 – 20:55 Distinguished talk
Pedro Ruas-Dieguez (ICTQT, University of Gdansk): Experimental demonstration of the equivalence of entropic uncertainty with wave-particle duality SEE ON YOUTUBE
20:55 – 21:25 Distinguished talk
Borhan Ahmadi (ICTQT, University of Gdansk): Nonreciprocal Quantum Batteries
21:30 The End
Paweł Horodecki (UG/PG/KCIK) Łukasz Rudnicki (UG/KCIK) Karol Życzkowski (UJ/CFT)
* R. S. Ingarden, Reports on Mathematical Physics 10, 43-72 (1976).
To see the previous Ingarden Memorial Lectures, click here.
To see the webpage with videos of given talks, click here.
IV R.S. Ingarden Memorial Session, Nov. 29th, 2023
15.30 – 15:55 Dariusz Chruściński “Roman S. Ingarden and his passion for physics” SEE ON YOUTUBE
16:00 – 16:45 2023 Ingarden Memorial Lecture: Artur Ekert “Bell inequalities: From Curiosity to Security” SEE ON YOUTUBE
16:50 – 17:00 coffee break
17:00-17:30 Distinguished talk: Marcin Kotowski, Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS
“Extremal jumps of circuit complexity of unitary evolutions generated by random
Hamiltonians” SEE ON YOUTUBE
17:30-18:00 Awarding of Junior KCIK Award for best Bachelor Thesis in quantum Information
Mansur Muzafarov, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw and Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS
“The time operator in quantum mechanics. A geometric approach to the problem of quantization” SEE ON YOUTUBE
Supervisor: Prof. J. Kijowski
Ignacy Stachura, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw and Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS
“Genuine Bell nonlocality in many-body quantum systems” SEE ON YOUTUBE
Supervisors: Prof. R. Augusiak and Prof. R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański
18:03 The End
III R.S. Ingarden Memorial Session, Nov. 30th, 2022
15.30 – 15:55 Andrzej Jamiołkowski “My memories of Roman Stanisław Ingarden” SEE ON YOUTUBE
16:00 – 16:55 2022 Ingarden Memorial Lecture
Peter Shor: “The development of quantum error correcting codes” SEE ON YOUTUBE
17:00 – 17:15 coffee break
17:15-17:45 Awarding of Junior KCIK Award for best Bachelor Thesis in quantum Information:
Joanna Majsak, University of Warsaw:
Mitigation of coherent measurement errors based on characterisation of quantum devices SEE ON YOUTUBE
Kamil Nalikowski, Technical University of Gdansk:
Non-Newtonian hiddenvariable models in quantum mechanics SEE ON YOUTUBE
17:45-18:15 Distinguished talk: Dan McNulty, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Estimating Quantum Hamiltonians via Joint Measurements of Noisy Non-Commuting Observables SEE ON YOUTUBE
18:18 The End
II R.S. Ingarden Memorial Session, Nov. 24th, 2021
15.30 – Opening of the session
15.35 – Krzysztof Ingarden (Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University): Roman S. Ingarden, Life: Photographs from the Family Archives SEE ON YOUTUBE
15:50 – Junior KCIK Award for best Bachelor Thesis in quantum Information:
Distinguished Bachelor Thesis: Jakub Korsak: Compilation of quantum qubit gates in the presence of noise
Distinguished Bachelor Thesis: Błażej Kuzaka: Bell inequalities for quantum systems of local dimension higher than 2
Main prize for the best Bachelor Thesis: Piotr Dulian: Efficiency of random sets of gates SEE ON YOUTUBE
16.00 – Alain Aspect (Institut d’Optique / Université Paris-Saclay), 2021 Ingarden Memorial Talk – From Einstein photon to quantum information: wave-particle duality in action SEE ON YOUTUBE
17.00 coffee break
17.15 Distinguished talk 1: Karol Bartkiewicz: Machine learning and Optical Quantum Information SEE ON YOUTUBE
17.50 Distinguished talk 2: Michał Oszmaniec: Fermion Sampling: a roboust quantum advantage scheme using fermionic linear optics and magic input states SEE ON YOUTUBE
18.25 End of the session
R.S. Ingarden Memorial Session, Nov. 25th, 2020
15.30 – Otwarcie sesji przez Leszek Sirko, przewodniczący Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego
15.35 – Miłosz Michalski (Nicolaus Copernius University): Scientific legacy of Roman S. Ingarden
16.15 – Charles Bennett (IBM Research), 2020 Ingarden Memorial Talk: Information is Quantum: what early 20’th century physics
has taught us about the nature of communication and computation SEE ON YOUTUBE
17.15 – coffee break
17.30 – Kamil Korzekwa (Jagiellonian University): Quantum advantage in simulating stochastic processes SEE ON YOUTUBE
18.05 – Marek Rams (Jagiellonian University): Entanglement and open-system tensor networks for quantum transport SEE ON YOUTUBE
18.40 – End of the session