How much information is in a bit?

Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Time: 13:00
Host: Center for Theoretical Physics Colloquium
Passcode: 134595
Speaker: Michał Gańczorz (Google) Abstract In recent years, the amount of data shared over the internet has increased exponentially. The data formats changed as well. We watch videos and listen to podcasts instead of reading articles. We share images instead of writing messages. But in the end, do we really get more information than before? […]

Quantum metrics based upon classical Jensen–Shannon divergence

Date: Monday, May 23, 2022
Time: 14:15
Host: Quantum Chaos and Quantum Information (Jagiellonian University)
Passcode: subspace
Speaker: Pedro Lamberti ( Jagiellonian University/ University of Cordoba, Argentina ) Abstract Jensen–Shannon divergence is an important distinguishability measure between probability distributions that finds interesting applications within the context of Information Theory. In particular, this classical divergence belongs to a remarkable class of divergences known as Csiszár or f -divergences. In this talk I analyze […]

Quantum Gases in Space

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Time: 12:30
Host: Center for Theoretical Physics Colloquium
Passcode: 134595
Speaker: Naceur Gaaloul Abstract Atom interferometry for extended drift times promise a major leap in improving precision and accuracy of matter-wave sensors. When taking advantage of the unique space environment for example, fundamental tests challenging the state-of-the-art can be performed using quantum gases systems. The use of cold atoms as a source for such sensors […]

Thirty-six entangled officers of Euler: quantum solution of a classically impossible problem

Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Time: 12:30
Host: Center for Theoretical Physics Colloquium
Passcode: 134595
Speaker: Karol Życzkowski (CFT, PAS and Jagiellonian University) Abstract Classical combinatorial designs are composed of elements of a finite set and arranged with a certain symmetry and balance. A simple example of a combinatorial design is given by a single Latin square: square array of size d filled with d copies of d different symbols, […]

Quantifying non-classicality via Local Operations and Shared Randomness

Date: Monday, May 9, 2022
Time: 14:15
Host: Quantum Chaos and Quantum Information (Jagiellonian University)
Passcode: subspace
Speaker: Ana Belen Sainz (University of Gdansk) Abstract In this talk I will motivate Local Operations and Shared Randomness (LOSR) as a paradigm to quantify non-classical resources, in contrast to Local Operations and Classical Communication (LOCC). I will provide examples of the resource-theoretic study of entanglement, Bell non-classicality, and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering, that stems from this […]

Convex-roof entanglement measures of density matrices block diagonal in disjoint subspaces for the study of thermal states

Date: Monday, April 25, 2022
Time: 14:15
Host: Quantum Chaos and Quantum Information (Jagiellonian University)
Passcode: subspace
Speaker:  Katarzyna Roszak (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences) Abstract We provide a proof that entanglement of any density matrix which block diagonal in subspaces which are disjoint in terms of the Hilbert space of one of the two potentially entangled subsystems can simply be calculated as the weighted average of entanglement present within […]

Quantum effects in biological systems

Date: Friday, April 22, 2022
Time: 12:15
Host: IFTIA Seminar (room 361)
Passcode: 78pA05
Speaker: Kai Sheng Lee Abstract Quantum mechanics is at its hearts the study of nature at the fundamental level of atoms and subatomic particles. Made up of these same atoms and subatomic particles, biological systems are also expected to follow quantum mechanics to some extent. The most well-known example (and still debated) is in magnetoreception, […]

Genuine multipartite entanglement and nonlocality in pair-entangled network states

Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Time: 15:15
Host: Quantum Information and Quantum Computing Working Group (CTP PAS)
Passcode: nisq
Speaker: Julio de Vicente (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) Abstract The study of entanglement and nonlocality in multipartite quantum states plays a major role in quantum information theory and genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) and nonlocality (GMNL) signal some of its strongest forms for applications. However, their characterization for general (mixed) states is a highly nontrivial […]

Quantum reference frames: towards a quantum description of space and time

Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Time: 12:30
Host: Center for Theoretical Physics Colloquium
Passcode: 134595
Speaker: Flaminia Giacomini Abstract In physics, observations are typically made with respect to a frame of reference. Although reference frames are usually not considered as degrees of freedom, in practical situations it is a physical system that constitutes a reference frame. Can a quantum system be considered as a reference frame and, if so, which […]