Operational quantum frames

Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Time: 12:30
Passcode: 134595

Speaker: Jan Głowacki (Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS)

Abstract I will advertise a way to think about intersecting principles of relativity with the operational approach to quantum physics building on the ideas of the quantum reference frames program. After briefly explaining the need for alternatives/extensions/clarifications of the QFT formalism, I will start with a conceptual discussion of the ideas of relationality and operationality. Then I will present an overview of an approach that puts together these principles in the context of quantum physics, which is the focus of my PhD dissertation. The presentation will necessarily become a bit technical as we go – the framework we are developing with my collaborators is based on covariant positive operator-valued measures, a kind of infinite-dimensional integration, and touches upon the general setup of convex theory in Banach spaces – but I will focus on the bird-eye perspective, without going into technicalities more than strictly necessary (unless such questions arise). A paper containing most of the results and ideas I will be talking about is now online: Titouan Carette, Jan Głowacki, Leon Loveridge. “Operational Quantum Reference Frame Transformations”. https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.14002.