The Quantum Information Centre in Gdańsk (KCIK) was established at the University of Gdańsk on June 29, 2007 as a joint research unit gathering eight Polish universities and research institutions: Gdańsk University of Technology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, University of Gdańsk, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Łódź, University of Wrocław, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN).
Between 2011-2022, four scientific institutions were included into the research structure of KCIK based on the decision of the Rector of University of Gdańsk, preceded by the recommendations of the KCIK Scientific Council:
- On June 30,2011, Centre for Theoretical Physics PAN;
- On October 3, 2022, University of Warsaw, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Marek Kuś, Center for Theoretical Physics of PAN, was the initiator of KCIK establishment, and the first and long- time Chairman of the KCIK Scientific Council (2007-2019). Prof. Ryszard Horodecki was the leading organizer of KCIK and its first and long-time Director (2007-2019). Prof. Ryszard Horodecki is the co-creator of quantum information and recipient of the prestigious European Research Council – ERC Advanced Grand (2012-2016). Together with prof. Robert Alicki and prof. Marek Żukowski and sons – Paweł Horodecki and Michał Horodecki – prof. Ryszard Horodecki created the strong scientific group of researchers in quantum information in Gdańsk, which became the globally recognized research centre in the field.
In November 2019, the Scientific Council of KCIK chose prof. Karol Życzkowski, Jagiellonian University, as the new Director of KCIK for a four year term (2019-2023) and prof. Wiesław Laskowski, Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Gdańsk, as the Chairman of the KCIK Scientific Council for the same term (2019-2023).